
Hope supports change

Location: Lubbock, Texas

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Rain, Rain

We are now about 7 inches above normal annual rainfall for this time of year, and we are relatively dry compared to more central regions of Texas. Last week I was gone on business from Tuesday 'til Sunday night. I gave my 21-year-old detailed watering instructions for the yard and garden -- and he never needed to use them. It rained three times while I was gone -- amazing!

The weeds are deliriously happy. I try to pull some every day. The flower seedlings are coming right along, and the tomatoes may be the happiest of all. I am a little concerned about the okra, which is enjoying the hot afternoons but really doesn't like wet feet. I also have some sage seedlings that are looking sort of soggily discouraged. I may have to replant them.

I am beginning to see baby green tomatoes, and the cucumbers are beginning to run. The zucchini are blooming, but so far no squashes.

Reruns -- I had red verbenas come back from seed in the flower pots out front, and in the back I've seen a green and red coleus seedling, now about 4 inches tall, from the plant that sat under a mesquite tree all last summer. I had taken some cuttings of the parent plant and wintered them in the house -- so now I have a pot on the patio and a seedling out in the garden.

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