
Hope supports change

Location: Lubbock, Texas

Saturday, September 23, 2006


Earlier this month, on the morning of September 11, I was driving on an errand that took me past a fire station about 9 am. In the moment that I passed the fire station, here is what I saw: the fire truck pulled out and parked in the driveway; four firemen in red suspenders standing side by side with their backs to the truck and their hands clasped in front of them; and in the direction of their gaze, their flag in front of the fire station at half staff.

When I returned that way a half hour later, the truck and crew were inside, but the flag was still at half staff.

I suppose, all over America, this small ritual took place at thousands of fire stations.


Blogger KMiV said...


This is Ron Clark. I want to know more about the issue with Gayle Napier at Lubbock that you mentioned. My email is Please email me so I can contact you. We are wanting to do research in this area (churches of Christ) this Spring.

Ron Clark

3:02 PM  
Blogger Stoned-Campbell Disciple said...

Checking in to find a wonderfully phrased word.

Blessings my friend,
Bobby Valentine

11:23 AM  
Blogger Stoned-Campbell Disciple said...

Carisse I am so glad you came by. I did not even send out my update list. I will pass on your greetings to Talya, Rachael and Pamella. Now that I will only be 12 hours from Abilene I hope to bother you a great deal in the center for Restoration Studies. I do hope you are doing well. I am so grateful over the way you have blessed my life. Merry Christmas to you too.

Bobby Valentine

11:53 AM  
Blogger Stoned-Campbell Disciple said...

I hope you have had a blessed Christmas. I took the girls to see The Nativity on Christmas day and it was simply magnificent.

Loved your comment on the Third Mrs. Campbell too.

Bobby Valentine

10:20 AM  
Blogger Stoned-Campbell Disciple said...

Carisse thanks for coming by as always. About the flag on my blog. I have had that photo for a couple of years now. I was doing some research on race relations in the SCM and that is how I discovered Butler. But I think, if I recall, that I got the photo off of the Kansas Historical Society ... I will have to double check on that. It would be great to have in the Center of Restoration Studies.

Bobby Valentine

12:42 PM  

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